Hey all, I’m trying to build a Wordpress loop of my posts but I want to use smaller-size images as preview. Right now, I can only build it with the default Featured Image data source:
That works, but as soon as I choose one of the others (SM, MD, LG or even Full) they just don’t appear, and leave the PlaceholderImg instead. Like this:
I tried to switch to data source URL and use one of the short codes, but they also don’t work. I outputted them to my page to see what they get turned into, and this is what I get:
%WP_thumbURL%: https://cirocontinisio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Tobii3.png
%WP_thumbSmURL%: https://cirocontinisio.com/wp-content/themes/ciro/img/placeholder-image.png
%WP_thumbMedURL%: https://cirocontinisio.com/wp-content/themes/ciro/img/placeholder-image.png
%WP_thumbLgURL%: https://cirocontinisio.com/wp-content/themes/ciro/img/placeholder-image.png
%WP_thumbFullURL%: https://cirocontinisio.com/wp-content/themes/ciro/img/placeholder-image.png
%WP_thumbTitle%: Tobii3
So as you can see the full size image is there (but only if using thumbURL, not thumbFullURL!) and its name. But the others are left on the placeholder-image.
PS: I double checked, the images are on the server, they are in the DB, and if I install another WP template, it can correctly retrieve the smaller size thumbs. So I don’t think it’s a setup issue.
Blocs bug, Wordpress issue, or am i doing something wrong? Thanks in advance!