First website created with Blocs!

With the help of the excellent training provided by Bloc Master and inspired by the Author template, I was able to create my first website using Blocs.

It is a small bilingual website to promote a Writing, Editing, and Translation service.

Jocelyne Barbier - Copywriting, Proofreading & Translation

Thank you, @Eldar!"


Hi Mark,

Great work, especially for a first Blocs app website! :clap:

One thing I would suggest to fix is the alignment of the title on the blog article page. I think it will look better if it is centered.


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Hi @Marcus0b1 You’ve done a great job of your first Blocs website :grinning: Thanks for sharing, we look forward to seeing what you build next!

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Great work ! LOVE it !

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Thanks for the feedback! I made the change, and it definitely looks much better now.

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A fellow Canadian here. Nice site.
You can also you this if you like.

It does not show up but your About link does not always work for me.


It looks much better now!

If I may offer another piece of feedback, I have a slight suggestion. Perhaps it’s just my tired eyes, but I feel the contrast between the text and the background is not as high as it could be. Perhaps making the text a bit darker would enhance the visual appeal?


Thank you for the comment and the tool. It was helpful for making some corrections on the site and on the next one in development.

It’s always a pleasure to chat with someone from close to home!

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You’re totally right, and even agrees! But this time, I’ve got to go with the client’s decision (…my wife). :smile:


Beautiful!! You’ve earned a :trophy: for your design.

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I’ve only looked in my phone, but it displays very well; very clean. Personally, I wouldn’t use a computer generated image for the Bio picture, no matter how accurate; it just looks a little ‘odd’.

……and I can’t find any spelling mistakes :wink:

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Hey, well done!!!

Rich the Weather Guy

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Nice job @Marcus0b1 Look great :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

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Really nice. On the desktop view I would center the logos here:

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Thank you @KBConcepts !

Thank you, @Reg ! I’ll pass your comment on to the customer.

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Thank you, @WeatherguyNH

The site is crisp and clean with no ‘fancy’ dynamics taking attention away from the content. I have one small issue: I can link to the ‘About’ page from the ‘Home’ page but not directly from the ‘Contact’ or ‘Blog’ pages.