Flexy Foot - BRILLIANT!

On a more serious note. I will be working on a paid version of Flexy that will have more options. Any feature requests?

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Strange indeed.
Would @Norm have an idea ?

To summarize, when exporting website, Flexyfoot.js is not exported.
Even after removing the bric, re-installing it, quitting Blocs, relaunch it.

The workaround was to get the flexyfoot.js file and add the script manually in the page settings.

Please note that I already had some missing file at export, that’s jQuery (needed by Tab Anything Pro). I don’t know if those two cases could have some common issue.

Make sure it costs less than $5000. It would be useful to include a top padding option that can be set independently at each breakpoint. I currently do that with a separate bloc and custom class.

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JQuery isn’t used in Bootstrap 5 projects. Could that be the issue there. You can manually select the option to include it in export though.

$4999. Education discount price is $4449 :joy:

There is a checkbox in the Project settings to include jQuery when exporting. This box has an erratic behavior: it uncheck itself (under what circumstances ?) and I had to recheck, close project, restart Blocs, check again and it worked. But I’m scared of future update the client ask for this website.

Curiously, on the current website I’m working on, the one where Flexy Foot does not export it js file, there is jQuery.min in the exported site although I didn’t checked the box to include it in the settings.
Maybe because of the use of Volt CMS ?