Flummoxed from the start

I have downloaded the demo, and have just started playing. But right from the start, I am completely confused.

The first image is Edit mode, and the photo looks fine. The second image is Preview, and the photo is completely truncated.

I am wondering what on earth is going on.

Because you need to fill your Bloc with some content, like so …

or for example give your Bloc a fixed height by adding a class, like so …


Welcome to the Blocs Forum! :smile:
You will find so many people here willing to help you.
Be sure to check out:

BlocsMaster course & templates @Eldar is the brilliant developer. He is always willing to help.
@PeteSharp blocsbuilder.com has shared some very cool code tweaking, if you’re in that. He is our code genius.

Also there are many others. Oh and don’t forget the 3rd party extensions that have been an aid to do some great things in Blocs.


That absolutely worked. Thank you so much.


And to everyone else who responded, thank you.

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