Folder Structure in Left Sidebar

Now more than ever it’s important that the website has the proper domain and subfolder structure… top-level folder for each main topic or service and sub-services or areas in subfolders with flexibility as we don’t want unnecessary subfolders. All of this with breadcrumbs as an option and schema markup (JSON ld) not asking for much :slightly_smiling_face:

Sill going to buy it and keep my fingers crossed. As I plan to move away from Adobe Dreamweaver and use Blocs & Brackets.


Just another reason for being able to build a directory structure with subdirectory:

I’m re-building a site that was originally made in wordpress. The site has a lot of directories and sub-directories:

------Medical Products
------Dental Products
------------Pneumatic Drills

One of the URLs then looks like this:

Since I can’t duplicate this in Blocs, I need to use a lot of 301 Redirects after building the site in order to preserve the Google link strength.

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I also believe it’s a great addition to Blocs. the possibility to organizing your website, besides personal preference, the ways a website can be organized depends heavily on its type and scope. It can help you organize the files of your website and make updating it a pleasant job. If you code by hand the first thing you learn to do is making a folder on your computer and organize the structure of your site, like folders for the root, css, js, images with subfolders for categories, etc… Designing the structure of files in a website is about finding solutions to an organizational problem. But to navigate to the url we need also the possibility to navigate the structure the get the link without having to type the hole structure of the url by hand. If we give @Norm enough time to investigate and wrap his head around the problem he will come up with a solution to integrate it in Blocs. Just giving him the time to see and understand the value of folder structure


And there’s another vote here for some sort of sidebar hierarchy, even if it’s not a ‘proper’ folder as such, but an interface addition where you structure the view.

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It’s come up a number of times. I can only imagine (or assume) it’s a significant amount of work and would require rebuilding key parts of blocs to make it happen??. So unlikely to be a point update feature. I’m keen to see it happen also. :grin:


Even an option to move the page to a new folder like in bootstrap studio would help.

Just showing one possibility

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Still desperately needed along with in-blocs search/replace. I’m spending more working around the TOOL taking more time working around vs focusing on actual content creation… :frowning:


Is there any progress on this?

I too would like to be able to place pages in different folders.

The ability to control the URL in greater detail is coming later this year.


Oooer!!! Is this an update?..or we going to be seeing a whole new Blocs as in Blocs 5 !?

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Are we receiving Blocs 5 sneak peeks from now onwards? :grinning:
I’m throwing in free :cocktail: :cocktail: under the :coconut: :palm_tree: for more details. :rofl: ( :airplane: tickets not included though)