Forklift FTP on sale

There is a Christmas sale on Forklift 3 at the moment. Less than $10 is a good deal.


I love Forklift, Being able to quickly sync updates to sites without even opening the App is a feature I use all the time.


To add to this for anyone interested: Pixelmator pro is on sale as well for $19 only!


Gold. The most recent update of Pixelmator Pro included SVG improvements and Apple Motion export, if anyone is interested.

Pixelmator Pro and Motion Tutorial


I’m loving Transmit as an FTP client, but heard good things about ForkLift too. As for Pixelmator, it’s one of my favorite apps for Mac, alongside Blocs and Things.

Usually, I don’t post my videos here, but why not :joy: Maybe it will be helpful to some.


Highly recommended.

Thanks, purchased :nerd_face:

I mainly use Affinity Photo for image editing, primarily because it is fairly similar to Photoshop, but I did recently pick up Pixelmator Pro while it was on sale.

The interface and features are very different and in some ways rather limited, however I was impressed by some of the AI tools for time saving on tasks like cutting out subjects from the background. I have also pre-ordered Luminar Neo, which should be available at the start of February and that promises to extend the boundaries or AI considerably.

These days I have little wish to spend hours retouching single images so I am on the lookout for tools that will speed everything up. My hope is that Affinity will come out with a version 2 before long that takes a big step forward and provides a realistic alternative to Lightroom.

Thanks for the recommendation. Purchased it, too.