Full screen Lightbox image height solution Modal colour transparency

Not sure if old news…
I was having issues with captioned portrait formatted images extending below the bottom of the page when using Full-screen Lightbox.
I found the following classes useful in controlling the height of the light-box modal container…

.modal-body img { max-height: xxxxvh; }

I found the following classes useful in controlling the background colour and width ( plus transparency)

.modal-content { background-color: rgba(xxx, xxx, xxx, 0.95); max-width: xxxx%; }
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Great to know ! I had the same issue and it took me a while to get everything the way I wanted but I have found a different solution.

.mx-auto {
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 90vh;}

See portfolio in the website

Thanks for your solutions! These seemed to be perfectly timed, just having the same problem with lightbox!

I am grateful for your enlightenment, but could you please inform where you would put in such codes. Would it be in a code bric, in the page header or?

I am about to employ light box effect myself and would appreciate a bit more info on this.

Hi @Solvberg, you have to add the code in the Header of the page.
This is the code I use for Lightbox in Full Screen (Frame).

.mx-auto {
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 90vh;}
border-width:0px 0px 0px 0px;
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For everyone who is interested, i wanted a white background! For me, its much more pleasing.

.mx-auto { max-width: 100%; height:none; max-height: 90vh;} .fullscreen-lb{ background:#FFF; border-width:0px 0px 0px 0px; } .fullscreen-modal{ background:#FFF; }

another try…


.mx-auto {
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 90vh;}
border-width:0px 0px 0px 0px;

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Thank you to both of you. Will try this out…