Getting a background video to load instantly

I’ve optimized my background video (8.5 MB for Desktop) using Handbreak.

1080p h.264 25 fps constant RF=20 No Audio
Web Optimized Check
Encoder = Very Slow

Blocs Settings
AutoPlay No Audio Loop No Poster

Is there a way to instantly load when the page loads or get it to load much faster?
Should I use Lazy Loading? Please explain… I find in the forum both thoughts.

Thanks everyone. :slight_smile:

8.5mb is still a big ask to load instantly I think.

Make the video shorter, background videos shouldn’t be a feature film. Keep it simple.

The video is 40 seconds. What is the max time it should be?

There is no max as such.

But no one’s watching a 40s background video.

Try 10-20


It’s instantly in less than 0.5sec by my side (88531.247 Kbps (11066.406 Ko/sec)) no prob.

I replaced with a 4MB video.