Google Fonts

Hello forum, I have a problem with the Google Fonts. I do not want to use web fonts. I have changed this in the settings of Blocs. Also, I have deleted all web fonts in the project. I have installed my own fonts. The same ones that were used before with Google. However, the Google fonts are still loaded. I am getting desperate with this. The project has more than 100 pages. I don’t want to search through everything. Does anyone have an elegant solution in the Blocs system? I could just solve it in the CSS and just swap the fonts there, but this is not elegant as it would have to be done over and over again for each change. Thanks for your help

What version of Blocs are you using? With recent versions of Blocs if a font is missing it should tell you and allow you to either relocate or remove them. I presume you have set the fonts for h1 and h2 etc inside your project site settings.

I never use Google fonts connecting to Google servers, so I am not sure if there are any glitches in the process removing them, but it should be pretty smooth. It might take a while updating custom classes if they involved fonts.

Also I am assuming you have loaded the google fonts with versions for ttf, woff and woff2. Dare I say it, also worth restarting Blocs if things are still being awkward.

Hello, I use Blocs 4.xx. The latest version.

When I start Blocs tells me that the fonts are missing. See picture

In the project all fonts have been set to the Local font.

Web fonts are disabled.

Still it loads the fonts, ahhhhhh.

What else can I do?

In the latest beta, it doesn’t. @Norm? No warnings at all regarding missing fonts, at least for me :grinning:

It shows on the canvas and preview (inside Blocs) the original font, which is not there anymore (Sweet Sans Pro in this case).

In browser preview, it all turns into Serif.

No warnings at all for missing fonts on M1 and Intel

My understanding is that you wanted to use self hosted fonts in which case I think you can right click those missing fonts and just remove them from the project.

Obviously you need to have added Roboto in the font manager via preferences, but it looks like you have already done that so it shows as an option in the project settings.

OK, I solved it. I must change in all classes the old font to the local font. Now, I have no more Google font server contact. Thanks for the help and best wishes. Bye