Google Tag Manager

Hi, I have to add code to Tag Manager into section and section. I have the 2 codes, but I have some questions:

  1. I have to add the 2 codes or I need only one?
  2. Where I have to add this code? In every page or only in Project Settings -> Analytics?
  3. If I have to add the 2 codes, I have to add in Page Settings -> Code -> Header or Footer?

You should be able to add it to the analytics tab

Generally you’d add it to „head“ html Tag

But Blocs just will do that for you when you put it in the Analytics tab.

Once exported the project you can see that by opening the code files and there’ll be a html „head“ tag in the files on top, and in that tag there will be a comment „<!— analytics here —> in which your google analytics code will appear

Thanks, I will add the Tag Manager code to Analytics section