Got a problem with the Assest manager, image no open. Please help, thanks!

Hi! I don’t know if someone has the same problem, hope any of you can help. thanks

I made a website and closed Blocs, then I wanted to change a picture for another one. I open Blocs and click on the picture I want to replace, the Assets Manager will not open so there is no way to change the picture. ( this is the MAIN problem)

I closed Blocs and open it again. I click on the image I want to replace and the now the Assets Manager opened but when I click on + add a new image the image that it should be added into the Asset Manager will not be opened, instaed a random image ( already in the Assest manager ) will appear but with the name of the image I wanted to use.

I am using Mojave last update, Blocs 3.5

Any help? thanks :slight_smile:

Hello? anyone please?

Hello? Anyone had similar problem before? thanks guys!

That’s a strange one and without the benefit of a first coffee this morning I am struggling to think of any clever ideas. I would send in a support request with as much information as possible Reporting Bugs – Blocs – User Documents

Already did… if Blocs’s team can solve this problem maybe it will be better to post it here so people have similar problems can know :slight_smile:

@Norm :pray: