Hamburger menu auto close

Hello everyone. I have a hamburger menu on a page when in mobile version. Quick question is how can i make it to auto close after click. Thanks in advance.

Hello @MrPrice there you have an option, that or when you click a link or click outside the menu it will close the toggle menu:

  1. Go to Page Settings:


  1. Go to the tab code:


  1. Select the option Footer:


  1. Add the following code:
$(document).on('click', function() {
  return $('.collapse').collapse('hide');

Hope it helps you…

There you have your site working:

Kapture 2021-07-28 at (3.0 MB)

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Unless it’s Bootstrap 5.

@Pealco we have to start dropping JQuery. So hard aye.

Thanks so much! @Pealco Going to add the code to various sites Ive done! :slight_smile:

Hello @PeteSharp in case of BS5 I have a different approach:

In the menu items I add two Custom Attributes, like this, for who needs:

1st - Click in the list:

2nd - In the custom Attributes:

3rd - Add the following ones:

Name: data-bs-toggle
Value: collapse


Name: data-bs-target
Value: (dont forget both dot)

And voila:

Kapture 2021-07-28 at 21.54.27

Hope it helps …