Hamburger Menu does not open

Hello dear community,

I need your help. In one of my projects the hamburger menu does not open anymore. Nothing happens when I click on it. When I delete the header and recreate it, the exact same thing happens again.

When I look at the page details, an error message appears.
Do you have any idea what is going on and how I can get the menu working again?

Many greetings

German Version

Hallo liebe Community,

ich brauche mal eure Hilfe. In einem meiner Projekte lässt sich das Hamburger Menü nicht mehr öffnen. Bei einem Klick passiert nichts. Wenn ich den Header lösche und neuanlege, passiert wieder genau das selbe.

Wenn ich mir die Seitendetails ansehe, erscheint eine Fehlermeldung.
Habt ihr eine Idee was da los ist und wie ich das Menü wieder in Gang bringen kann?

Viele Grüße

Not sure if that error has anything to do with your button. If not mistaken it’s a missing jQuery error.

I have also noticed that the active link class in the project settings no longer works. I am concerned that I have changed something carelessly that is causing both to fail, but I have no idea what that might be.

Anywhere something live would be helpful. It’s guessing in the dark for now.

Is it possible to compare two *.blocs files directly with each other? In a backup from two days ago it still works.

You could do so by installing a beta version as well and opening each file in a different Blocs build.

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I’m playing around with the backup right now. Got it “broken” again. It seems to be related to the project settings.

Found it!
After enabling the “Combine all JS” option, the hamburger menu no longer pops up. Now is this related to my individual project or is this a bug in the software?

None of both. Combining all JS comes comes often with troubles. Just stay away from it. I’m still having one site which keeps throwing errors to me because I thicked the ‘combine all’ box.

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Jerry, are there any others if the combine/minify options you suggest to leave unchecked?

No, not really. I’m just staying away from combining all JS/CSS


Agree, combining js can be problematic.

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