Hamburger Menu on iPad

I noticed that the hamburger menu on the Hero bloc, on iPad settings only, is not aligned correctly as opposed to the desktop and iPhone settings. I can see that it is too far to the right, almost on the edge of the screen. I would like to edit that setting but I find it seems a little over complex to adjust. I believe it will be in classes, but I do not want to affect the other two settings, that being, desktop and iPhone, as they are perfect.

Anyone have suggestions for this?
Thanks in advance.

Hi @Fourier

Yes, you can use custom css to set that in table & phone view.
You can adjust #nav-toggle {margin-top:?; margin-left: ?}
Just create a custom css file (mysite.css, or whatever you want to call it ) using a text editor & put it w/ your project file.

#nav-toggle {margin-top: ?em/px; margin-left: ?em/px} Choose whatever units you want and try different values, till you get it how you want it. I would suggest viewing in actual device or iOS Simulator, as the layout can behave a bit different in the real device.

Then under Page > Settings add a Header File Attachment (the css file you created).
You’ll probably have to save the project & restart Blocs to see any settings take effect.

Have fun.


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I’ve fixed this. All toggle menu icons have been fixed up for the next beta release (Monday)

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Hi Bill

Thank you for the help. Sorry for the delay in replying. If the update is coming out, perhaps I can just wait now…

Thanks Bill

Thanks Norm, Monday, as in February?

I downloaded the Beta from 11 days ago, and see it was not put in that version. So if I understand, you have now added that since for the upcoming Beta.

yeah slight delay, Im just getting it ready for today.

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