Horizontal carousel indicators (dashes): how to alternate light and dark mode from slide to slide?

Hi there,

do I understand it right and the horizontal indicators (dashes) are either light or dark troughout the complete carousel or can I adapt the color to the individual slides, i.e. alternate light and dark from slide to slide?

I have photos here in a carousel, they are very different, if I only use light or dark indicators in the whole carousel, they are as good as invisible in some photos. it would be great if i could adjust the indicators image by image, slide by slide. Is that even possible?


Hi Jerry,

thank you very much for your answer. I actually mean these horizontal indicators here:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-04 um 09.17.28

Is there a way to adjust them to the respective picture and change them from picture to picture or are they exclusively either black or white throughout the whole carousel?

But I would also love to know how you gave the arrows different colors! :upside_down_face:


Exactly that! How can I individually adjust the appearance of the indicators for individual slides?

Hi there,
I do understand how to customize the general appearance. But how do you adjust it individually for individual slides?

Thanks a lot, Jerry, you are the best!!!