Hover drop down menu with hover navi item also linked to a page

Looking for a tip here: I want to build an “on hover” drop down menu where the navi/link used to open the drop down is also clickable. Take a look at this WordPress site: rehmann.de. Now hover your mouse over the word “NOTARE” in the navi. It will open a drop down menu. But you can also click on the word NOTARE and which is linked to a landing page with an overview of all the items listed in the drop down menu.

This would be nice for a landing page showing an overview of some products:

OUR PRODUCTS (clicking opens product landing page, hover opens sub menu)
> Product 1
> Product 2
> Product 3

So if the user hovers on OUR PRODUCTS the sub menu is opened, but if he clicks on OUR PRODUCTS he goes to the landing page.

This is especially nice for Google where you could have a direct link to an overview (landing page) of all products.

Looking for the same tip Gary! Is there an answer already?

I’ve already watched the tutorial ‘dropdown menu with mouseover and menu background highlighting’: - YouTube

But I couldn’t find an answer to this specific question: how to create a navi link that opens dropdown AND links to a page.

Looking forward to a reply!

I just answered @Dylan in another thread on this very topic. I think the site you linked in your post illustrates the problem these types of menu have. Essentially, If you get the drop-down to work on a desktop site, you have to have a different type of menu for the mobile device. On the site you linked to, the mobile menu is a static menu with all the options displayed which not only makes for a very long mobile menu, but also needs more work to create. I would have thought it would be cleaner and less work to just add the main link option as the first item in the Drop-Down. This will then work on-click on a desktop/laptop site or on-tap on mobiles.

Bootstrap is a mobile first framework. Although it’s easy to add a drop down on hover, making the drop down menu item clickable is only suitable for non touch based devices. Hence why it’s not native with bootstrap menus.

HI Dylan,

really not possible directly in blocs. You could build it using 2 different menus - 1 for desktop and 1 for mobile.

Thank you all very much for your replies!

When I look at this website (see pictures) on my mobile device, I can click on and open the ‘voor bruidsparen’ page AND it opens the dropdown when I click on the icon next to it. Would this be possible in blocs?

Hi @Dylan, The accordion bric will do that for you. I’m using it here

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