How can I create a Slider with the Minimalist Library 2.0?

I would like to use the same gallery bloc in a slider so that visitors can swipe left or right to see the next one. Is it possible to do this with the Minimalist Library 2.0, or do I need to purchase something else to achieve this? I want to showcase some of my works in that grid style but as is I can show only two clients. I want to have at least 3 galleries like that one side by side. Any idea?

There are multiple ways to create something like that in Blocs. You don’t need any 3rd party tools.

I think the easiest method will be to use the horizontal scrolling feature we now have in Blocs. Create the structure you want with CSS grid bric, and place it in a horizontally scrolled DIV container.


I will give it a try! Thanks! @Eldar, where can I find the CSS Grid? I searched the store but nothing showed up. Also, I can’t figure out how to add horizontal scroll. It would be great if you could point me in the right direction. Thank you.

CSS grid is the built-in bric in the Blocs app. Just open the bloc bar, and search for grid.

as for the horizontal scroll, there are a few sections added in the Testimonial and other categories to give you an idea of how it works in Blocs.

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