Hi everyone,
Still experimenting with the new features of Blocs 6, but am stuck with image masks. When I apply one, it appears at far too large a scale for the image it’s applied to.
I presume there is a simple way to scale the mask to fit. Could someone please advise me?
Thanks in anticipation…
Here are a couple of examples of what I’m getting when I apply an image mask…
… so two things:
1 the mask is stretched horizontally
2 the mask needs to be scaled down to fit the image
…but how?
All responses appreciated.
Try creating and playing around with the class .bloc-bg-mask
You can also set the mask to solid and place your own vector image
Hi @chicuelo, thanks for your reply. I will give this a try, but it may be in a couple of days, given the time of year!
Meantime, have a great New Year when it arrives. Will post again after trying this out.
Well, I tried experimenting with this class, but it does not seem to do anything other than move the photo onto the bloc background. I have looked through all the options within the class, and none seems to apply to the mask on the photo.
Just to confirm, I’m looking for an option to make the mask scale to fit the photo.
Anyone have any other ideas?
If tweaking the size of the mask does not fit your needs you could create a mask with the same size of your picture and use it as a background image on that class
Thanks again @chicuelo. “Tweaking the size of the mask” is exactly what I am trying to do, but I cannot find where or how to do it! In the ‘new features’ video for Blocs 6, applying the image mask seemed to be a case of ‘one click and it fits’, but my system is not achieving that (…or maybe there’s a step edited out of the video?)
With my system details and screenshots as above, that is what I get when I apply an image mask, with apparently no means of adjusting the scale of the mask. Any ideas @norm, @eldar ?
Yoy should show us how you want the mask to adjust, so we can see what you want.
You control the scale by adjusting the width and height, but it scales proportionally to maintain proper shapes. If you want a “responsive” mask you should use your own vector image using the clases I mentioned you applying one in each viewport.
Just saw your posts.
Do you have classes applied to the images prior the mask? If so try removing them?
I’m having no issues at all. I just put an image on and apply the mask and easy as that.
Experiment on a fresh project or look on the templates in native blocs to see how they have been done.
Good luck!
Hi @AdieJAM, “place the mask and that’s it” is what I expected! No classes applied, so I wonder if it’s a MacOS Big Sur problem… but I will try the same thing in my “Experimenting” site and see what happens. I’ll post once I’ve checked. Thanks.
Will also check out the supplied templates.
Hi, I don’t so much want the masks to do anything other than appear as they do in @Norm’s video… I was expecting them to just place it and done!
I realised that the image I was trying to mask is scaled down on the Blocs page, so I resized the original to fit exactly the box on the page, thinking maybe the mask would then fit as expected… but no.
So no further forward.
Here is my ‘experimenting’ Bloc file, along with the image I have used, if anyone wants to see how it works on another system…
expermenting blocs 6.bloc (180.2 KB)
Hi again, just tried to apply an image mask to Eldar’s “Barista” template photos, but this also shows the same as in my own files. So I’m beginning to think this may be a MacOS Big Sur compatibility problem.
Hopefully @Norm may take a look?
I’m afraid I can’t help you, but I’m just trying to clear the confusion in my head here so maybe other people are having it with your question also.
Looking at your Barista Coffee example above, it’s showing the lattice effect. If I’m reading you correctly, you’re expecting to see the lattice pattern reduced considerably to replicate the size of the underlying photograph. Is that right? And in all cases where a picture is a different size to the Bloc, it should scale?
Having an option for scaling strikes me as a very good idea.
Hi @TrevReav, I’m not only expecting the mask to fit the photo, but also not be stretched horizontally, as appears to be the case every time I try to apply a mask! It seemed so simple in @Norm’s video… click and there it is… but not for me!
As this is the first time this Forum has not been able to solve my problem, I’m fast concluding that Blocs 6 and MacOS Big Sur are maybe not the perfect match. (Still waiting for my Mac Mini M4!..)
Just to be sure, I watched the Academy video at How to apply image masks and that just isn’t happening for me. I wish…
I’m just confused on what the end result should look like? If i Could see what you are expecting, that would be good. I also don’t know what mask you are choosing, it doesn’t seem to be ones that I have or see in the Blocs 6 video.
I tried downloading your experimental bloc but it opened with lots of text and no images.
edit… I have downloaded the provided image and it located itself in the blocs file, so i can see what you are doing. So the first image in this feed is supposed to be the diamond mask?, and its obviously stretching way over the image from your shots.
It works fine on mine. I am using Monterey 12.4. Strange!
Hi @AdamNotEve, thanks for your post, which further points me in the direction of a compatibility problem with MacOS Big Sur.
I’ve just a few minutes ago reported this as a possible bug/compatibility problem, and will wait to hear what the Blocs team say about it.
Yes, this is what I was expecting!!! THANKS!