How to change the normal navigation menu to a hamburger icon menu

Hi community!
So I just have (desktop version) a Hero menu that comes with the page’s name as usual…Home About Us etc… BUT what I would like to know is if is it possible rather that see Home - About Us - Contact, to see a hamburger icon (on desktop version…well…in all views.

I do not want to show on my page the typical text menu, wish to make it more minimalistic if possible?

Anyone know how to change this? Blocs 4

@PeteSharp Pete will know :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@Jannis :rofl:

Hi @CD2021 the Blocs Docs have a lot of good answers, also where you will find info about the breakpoint to set the menu toggle option.

As per @Jannis “endorsement” you can also buy Easy Burger custom bric to style it :grin: but that’s a little self serving.


Hey thanks for the quick reply. However, I do not want to change the breakpoints…I just want the hamburger icon (menu) on the desktop view…the link you sent to me is for breakpoint toggle navigation…selecting the navigation menu and right click to see more does not do anything (can’t see any options to change to hamburger) I know in past versions of Blocs you can add the the hamburgen menu icon

if you tell me… Set the Nav to toggle at the large breakpoint…it doesn’t change a thing. I already tried and still can see HOME as a text menu

OK!!! So I already got it!..
Going first to the mobile view and then…change the toggle views to LG and then it will change in all views

Not sure what your doing, but you just set the breakpoint you want the toggle to apply.

whatever I did it’s working as I wanted :rofl:

Well since it only works this one way… you took the scenic :wink:

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ah ah! another thing! :sweat_smile: so had done that and works… now after click on the hamburger icon to open the menu I choose open sidebar and on desktop view the background color is black and text yellow as I wanted but on mobile is red and yellow tex…how that red background got there? how to also change it to black as the desktop view! Thanks!!!