How to do that

Add this code to the page header then add .navigation class to your navbar. Don’t forget to add a semitransparent fill in class settings.

P.S. I have no idea why the blur in class editor isn’t a backdrop filter. I don’t see any use to that other than removing the class by mouse over but you can’t do it without javascript. :roll_eyes: It would be great if that kind of interaction will be added to the Blocs

I probably overlook something very silly, but how can I make the background on both sides transparent when I scroll up?

It should look like this:

But when I scroll up a nasty white background appears and the navbar get a little wider:

Till now, the only solution for this is to use the navbar not sticky…

Hello @chicuelo, would you be able to add the video again?

I can’t see to make the blur working.

Thank you,

The video was a preview of the code working, not a tutorial.

You have to go to the page settings and place the code on the header.

Make sure .navigation you also set the class “navigation” to your navbar bloc, if you used another class, just replace to match


Thank you @chicuelo, for the tip!

Is now working :slight_smile:
