How to open 2 projects at same time?

Hello All

i have a project which I use to “test” all pages I would like to implement on a final website…
this “test” is clearly not clean and have a tons of errors / mistakes on class manger for example

I would like to open this “test” project on a side and at same time create a fresh new project which I will create by creating from zero all the classes and mods I did on the “test” project without at the end all the mistakes I did to get trained on the “test project”

is there a possibility to do so?
I saw that it was on wishlist but nothing more

if it is impossible how to manage it differently?
I would like to not export each blocs or pages separately because I will link all the classes that I didn’t want to involve anymore

thank you

Duplicate in applications (or a beta version), and open both apps at the same time.

I guess that’s certainly not officially supported.


it looks to work to duplicate (so blocs and blocs-copy)

I tried to use blocs and blocs beta at same time but it didnt work
this is why I asked

anyway big thanks

Now there is something I did not you could do with Blocs. Do that mean we could Copy/Paste between the two?

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Copy and Paste and Search & Replace does not seem to be a working “Standard” in Blocs, so until things seriously change you better forget it now, I guess. Some functions seem very old fashioned, sometimes like being back and working in a PC using DOS 3.0 in the year of 1984 :wink:

Btw, to be able to open 2 instances of BLOCS to for example “compare” projects, I made an apple script to make this opening process possible. This way I just click on the BLOCS icon in the dock, and one more BLOCS instance is starting. If that is good or not, I don’t know, but it at least possible this way.


do shell script** “open -n /Applications/”

In the script editor saved as “Application” and placed in the Applications folder, which is then copied to the dock to be clickable.

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Very Cool of you to share this. Thank you
I just learning OSX, so not sure how to use this. Is this Shell the built-in Terminal?

1: Open the Mac OS built-in/included “Script Editor”. (/Applications/Utilities/Script and type exactly this: do shell script “open -n /Applications/”

2: Save the file AS (hold down ALT key/click Save As) File Format “Application”, for example, “” on the desktop

3: To test the file, double click this application you just placed on the desktop. With some luck Blocs will then open. If you double click the it again, one more Blocs will open.

4: If it works as it should, move the file “” to the /Applications folder and double click it from there. Now you can save this in the dock if you want. # But first, some cosmetic changes may be needed, so you get a Blocs Icon instead of the Script icon. For this you better search on YT to find how to change icons in MAC-OS

There are more ways to do this, but hopefully that helps. Good luck. If this is a mess/difficult I can send you the file I made if you want to try it. Remember: you have to test this at your own risk as it’s probably not recommended by the developers of this application.

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thanx all
but @Jannis method worked well
I just duplicated the blocs app
and open to start new project
open blocs-copy as “reader” of the project I want to copy and it works

againI use ONLY the Blocs app to create and test
the blocs-copy as reader of the test project

so far no problem of crash
like I had with blocs app and blocs-beta opened at same time
in this way when I open a project with blocs?app and open another with the beta version crash and vice versa

thx to @Himmelstrutz I didnt know this method
happy to learn something

I mean both programs use the same folder “Blocs 5” in the folder “Library/Application Support”. This means that I would really only use the duplicate version for viewing and not change anything in the Blocs environment.

this is what I do
only change on a project not on both at same time
one is for read only

Thank you so much for revealing your secrets.