HQ Video content delivery

What is the best way to deliver HQ responsive videos (3 - 20+ minutes)?

Does anyone use a service, such as CDN? If so, which one? Is it necessary to use such or is there some other recommended way?

I am open for suggestion that you’ve hav found. :smile:

Vimeo or YouTube.

Don’t these services lessen the quality of the video?
They also bring up Ads, which most people don’t care for.

Vimeo & YouTube will create different pixel sizes of video for you automatically & the visitor can choose which size best fits their connection speed.

Vimeo has no ads & is roughly $200/yr. YouTube is free, but you get the dreaded ads.


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Sounds like it is better to upload them to a server and share the video link?
Even when the optimized video is over 500mb?

How long is the video? A web optimised video at 500mb is pretty big, unless its long

50 minutes

Sign up for the free account on Vimeo, it used to only offer a small amount of storage, but I see its now 3 videos.

I have used Vimeo a lot in the past, its fantastic for locking videos to domain names etc.

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