I am having trouble integrating a Javascript assessment form into Blocs

I have created a personality form assessment tool using Javascript. It has three parts, an HTML document, an external Javascript document, and an external CSS file. It works fine on its own, but when I try to integrate it into Blocs, it breaks. :neutral_face:

I have tried attaching the .js and .css files via page preferences and the code using the code tool. The CSS shows up fine and the HTML bits work. But the Javascript fails. Any help would be appreciated.

Oh, one more thing, I am using the latest version of Blocs 5.2.5.

Thanks in advance!

What does the console log say, thats your first port of call.

I just figured out the problem. There were two copies of the external .js file. One I had added to the global settings and one that I have added to the page settings. I only needed it in the page settings. It’s almost working as it should, but the issues I now face are making modifications to the Javascript code, but that’s on me. Thank, you Pete, for your willingness to help.