Image not shrinking at breakpoint - SOLVED

Since upgrading to blocs 3 I am having trouble reducing the size of an image in the two smallest breakpoints. An Image fills the whole width of screen of a mobile device where as I want it to be about 10% ( screen shots attached).
You can also see for yourself at


I have tried custom classes and reducing the column width and looks fine in preview mode. What am I missing? Thanks

Hi John @AussieJohn

Strange since viewing on my mobile device I get this:


@MDS Very Strange
That is how it is supposed to look.

It looks like you are using the same IOS as me but I still get the same as my screenshot.
Anyone else?

Hi John @AussieJohn

Have you checked other devices ?


I did get the same effect on the iPad. I have since redone the whole thing and it appears to be working now. Thanks for you time.

Hi John.


Do not hesitate if you need further help.