Image Overlay V2 - Free update

We have just released Image Overlay V2. This update is completely free to all who already own V1. Just open Extension Manager and click install.

If you don’t have it installed right now, but purchased the Bric at some point, you can login to your Paddle account and download the latest version.

We have added a lots of new functionality which you can preview here.

Keep an eye out for more updates coming to our custom Brics as well as some new ones.


In a word, awesome. This is a must have bric with this update.

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Thanks, Norm. This new version is perfect!


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It’s actually showing as no update available in the extension manager.

Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 12.27.53

so coooool … danke Norman

gerne mehr solcher “Schmuckstücke” :wink: :+1:

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Looks like you have the oldest version. I’ll send you a copy.


That’s OK I grabbed V2 from Paddle. All fixed.

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I got the update via Extension Manager.
But the search for updates still needs several minutes. Not good.
Never was this way.

Mine showed up in the manager…FYI

Rich the Weather Guy

Hmmmm no updates available…

Go grab V2 from Paddle.

Looks great @Norm - nice one.

A few things t i would personally find useful and not sure if it can do this?

  1. Be able to change speed of the transition?

  2. Change font sizes?

  3. Be able to add custom classes from buttons used on the website being worked on.

Thanks Norm.

Your update is brilliant. - thanks,.


These would all be useful. If I had to choose one only it would be the custom class for the buttons, so they can match the appearance used elsewhere on the website.

For example, at the moment I have a “no style” button that is transparent with a fine black border and text in Bodoni italic. On hover the button turns purple with white text and a timed fade, all achieved through custom classes. An option to apply custom class styling here would really open up the design options.

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Is there a chance to start with the overlay, that hides with mouse over?

This is a good Bric!!
It would be really good, if we could easily change elements with the Bric.

Font Styles of the following: Title, Description, Button
Border Outline of the Image & Button
Hover background of the Button
Making the entire Image clickable through the Bric

All I can find are these

class="img-overlay-main-container overlay-zoom-out"  ( Is this the class that controls the size,  the border outline? )
class="img-overlay-container d-flex align-items-center"
class="overlay-btn btn btn-light"   ( Is this the class that controls the border outline, hover & font styles? )


I searched through the forum and did not locate anything that showed adding custom class to have control over the font style for the button, description or title. Perhaps, I am asking the wrong question.

I look into these features, but could not see them. Yes, it is version 2. Am I missing something?
How do we use these featured options?




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Background Colour



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Text Colour



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Button Colour

Hey, Jerry
Is that a feature with the Bric or through added code?

Have a play around and experiment. See what you can find.

Thanks, as you can tell from my comments above, I’ve tried playing around with custom classes. Some worked, Some did nothing. Operator error