Implementation of an alternating Apple card appearance


Is it possible to implement such a card in Blocs?
If so, could someone possibly help me where I should start in order to delay it? I really liked it! :slightly_smiling_face:

apple card

This has been covered not long ago on the forum. All code is in the comments.

Thanks @Jerry I’ll check it out :slightly_smiling_face:

The only thing I didn’t include is you want to also add some accessibility. Aria to do this properly.

Everyone wants to copy Apple :joy:

Don’t copy my fancy poems which are inside the card. :joy:

@PeteSharp @Jerry

It’s not specifically about copying, but I liked it because it’s easy to use, at least that’s how I feel, and I save space on the page, I don’t have to fill it in, because everything in the given area fits on one card.
But as I can see, you also need to program, maybe I’m neglecting this.
Although recently I’ve written codes for smaller things, maybe for the first time in a long time…

This is the thing. Almost anything is possible in Blocs. But you have to leave the default blocs and brics behind sometimes.

This is where learning HTML and CSS and JavaScript are great. You don’t have to know everything but knowing just the basics gives you a platform.

I’m referring to the fact that everything Apple makes for their website becomes a trend. I have clients wanting the same thing.

You definitely want to add accessibility to that card though. True master level

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Yes, I understand.
I just want you to understand why I often ask for help. I don’t want to make you feel sorry for yourself. I never gave anything up!

I was a programmer and developer.
10 years ago I had a massive stroke and was paralyzed from the neck down, I was taken to the hospital by helicopter, I have undergone brain surgery and many other things.

I had to learn everything again, how to walk, move, eat, everything.
Unfortunately, the damage to the nervous system was so great that it also affected my work, and I had to start all over again, but programming puts a lot of strain on my brain, and I find it difficult to do many things, much more slowly than before, or fail. Unfortunately, I can’t do anything about it.

I trust him, and I hope you understand why I ask so many questions and why I don’t understand everything right away.


Sorry to hear you have gone through such a big journey.

Don’t read too much into text.

Don’t be sorry, I don’t either, that’s how it turned out, I had to accept it, that’s it.
Life goes on.
We have a saying, “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade out of them”.
I just wanted you to understand, not because I ask so many times, but because things are more difficult than for others, or like in the past, when I was still able to work actively.

Strokes are personally to me. My dad passed suddenly with one at 63. And just over a year ago I was in ED and rushed into a head scan as they suspected I was having a stroke. Family history didn’t help. Fortunately it wasn’t in my case. They never found the cause (was back in the ED this year for the same thing). Then a good friend of mine had one. He’s still recovering.

For sure life throws crazy at times.

There is a couple of us encouraging people to put some effort in. Otherwise we end up doing it for people. I use to provide a lot more detailed solutions but it’s exhausting. :joy:

Also most of the time I am on the forum these days, I am just on my phone. :upside_down_face: which means text is probably quick and short.

I’m sorry your father passed away young.
Not a pleasant thing. I felt many times that it would have been better if I didn’t live, because the recovery was difficult and very long, and I’m not 100% even now, and I won’t be.
Take care, because this is not a game.

There is a couple of us encouraging people to put some effort in. Otherwise we end up doing it for people. I use to provide a lot more detailed solutions but it exhausting. :joy:

I understand perfectly what you mean :slightly_smiling_face:

I assume I should do it somehow like this, only with the little rotating icon included?

Haven’t seen the video. But so many ways to do these things. The thread linked to previously is more replicating the way Apple made it.

Maybe you can send a screenshot of the basic structure?

@Jerry Do you have a picture of it?

I’m only on my phone. Busy with errands (well sitting and waiting :joy:).

Have a go though and see if you can think it through how it may work. Even take a look at the Apple website markup.

I looked, but I couldn’t figure out how to do this in Blocs. :pensive:

Hello, @Boss81. To accomplish this task, you’ll need some fundamental coding knowledge. While Blocs is an excellent platform for creating No Code websites, it also provides a comprehensive set of tools to enhance your website designs and make them stand out. Isn’t that awesome? :tada::partying_face: Below is the file.

Please note that this file utilizes JavaScript, so it’s essential to have a basic understanding of the language. Once you’ve successfully implemented the card, kindly share your results, and you’ll receive a :star2: for your coding competition progress chart! :school::grin::mortar_board:

Small Potato Ltd 12-06-2023 at 10.43

Fancy Poem Card.bloc (26.5 KB)