Intro animation

Hi there, there is a possibility to add a page intro or some kind of intro amination full screen?

Thanks in advance.


Probably the only answer for now, with so many options and ways of doing things like this, more details will give you more detailed suggestions.

Sorry, @PeteSharp my fault. :sweat_smile:
I’d like to create a page that load before the homepage and automatically load the next page or a modal “DIV” whit inside a full-screen animation (es. make with hype) that disappear when animation ended.

Probably a lot of ways to approach it.

One way maybe to use a fullscreen bloc, that is fixed with the Hype animation. Add some javascript to your hype animation to scroll to an ID on completion, then remove classes from the animation Blocs to hide it, so you can not scroll back up to the animation??

One approach maybe.

You could use local-storage or cookies if you didn’t want them to see the animation again.

Your idea is great. Thanks.