Larger hamburger menu

Larger hamburger menu, is it possible?


Yes, it is with a piece of Javascript as targeting the .navbar-toggler-icon class will not work as Blocs hides the original Bootstrap icon and places its icon on top of it. Just unset the background of the .navbar-toggler-icon class and you will see 2 navbar icons.

To solve this Iā€™m targeting the SVG directly which has the .navbar-toggler-icon class applied.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
  const togglerIcons = document.querySelectorAll('.navbar-toggler-icon');
  togglerIcons.forEach(function(icon) {
    const svg = icon.querySelector('svg');
    if (svg) {
      svg.setAttribute('width', '100px');
      svg.setAttribute('height', '100px');

Small Potato Ltd - 000065

Check out Easy Burger - Custom Bric for Blocs

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Besides using Easy Burger :grin:

You can make two classes in the class manager and do it with simple CSS. No need for javascript.

1st. Class


Set the width and height of the size you want the toggle to be. Make them the same number.

2nd. Class

.navbar-toggler-icon svg

Set width to 100% and height to Auto


Adding 2 classes manually or simply copy/paste one script. Easy choice for a lazy Friday. :grin::desert_island::cocktail::bikini:

With the class manager, you can see it on the design canvas, and use breakpoints to manage the size. :laughing:

Hey thank you all, I really appreciate your help.

I have Easy Burger and use it all the time, but in this case I needed the stock bootstrap icon with the side menu fly out and different color hamburger for the home page and the other pages, was able to put it in a wrapper and target it on the home page and Blocs built the break points. I will be able to use both methods, Thank you gents.

Have a great weekend.

Thank you all again.