So my next little bug which I am hoping you guys can help!
I have created a horizontal scroll with some images.
When I make the website to NOT use lazy load then my horizontal moves up half the image height and I get the left and right arrows at the bottom - soon as I get to the last image, it drops down.
So then I change the Lazy load to work and the scroll is perfect! - but then my hero header on that page takes forever to load.
I can send a link out if anyone can take a look or please advice - thanks all.
I’ve tried a clean project and this happens on any horizontal scroll when lazy load is on that the image moves higher up and drops on the last one.
If anyone has a work around please can you let me know - if not I have an old version of Owl Carousel that might get me out of jail for now
Drop in on the chat tomorrow.
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Rich the Weather Guy
As Jannis and I said on another thread: “routing every question here on the forum to the chat doesn’t make sense to me.”
But unfortunately I can’t help AdieJam with an answer.
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Thanks @Bootsie
I had another play last night till 4.40am and I can see the only answer for now will be to remove horizontal scroll and use something else which I’m gutted as love using it.
Tried loads of things to eliminate the images moving up - need @Norm to work his magic! Which I’m sure he will