Lazy loading question

@Bill From a website where I enabled lazy load a while back not a single image has yet been indexed by Google, despite having every image listed in the sitemap.

Another one done last month with lazy load enabled has indexed the images normally, despite not being included in the sitemap of Scrutiny. I am wondering if Norm changed the way that lazy load is implemented recently, so I wiped the content from the problem site and uploaded it again last night to see if there is any difference.

Chrome are actually starting to roll out lazy load at a browser level Tải từng phần hình ảnh ở cấp trình duyệt dành cho web  |  Articles  |

@DaveC I’ve been in touch with Shiela and I know she is working on this now with the Scrutiny sitemaps. I believe there is some complexity to the issue, given that there are various ways that lazy loading can be implemented. I did wonder also if remotely hosted assets might throw a spanner in the works.

Incidentally, I have recently removed almost all my sites from Cloudflare after some rigorous testing. In a nutshell, it helped a lot on my old server, but was actually slower than a direct route to my new server in most cases. Looking at the analytics used to show substantial bandwidth savings, which shrank to around 5% after changing web host, providing another clue. Cloudflare still has some benefits, however I concluded the additional work wasn’t justified in my case at this point.


I’ve had some correspondence with Shiela and created a small demo site for her to test. Scrutiny 9.1.1 released today adds Blocs to the supported systems. If you export a site now with lazy loading enabled Scrutiny should index the images inside the sitemap. This may well apply to Integrity as well when updated.

Is this still the case? Anyone have any new thoughts on this?

I am not 100% sure whether lazy-loading is benefitting me or not, as images do not seem to get “loaded” and not really indexed by Google.

@Brocky120 It’s been years now since I used lazy load, partly because of the index issues but also times when it seemed to make page loading jerky. You seem to have answered your own question though, given what you are experiencing.

I believe a new bric is in the works that may help you achieve your goals without index problems and Google likes it :wink:


Hope you’re well mate :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah I’ve definitely had issues with images not loading/indexing and turning lazy load off has solved it so wanted to see a few years later if there was a workaround!

Who is making the bric?

I will leave that for the developer to announce, but hopefully it will be available within a few days.

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Ah nice! Wondered if I was missing something then. Thanks

It’s not expensive and given the difference it makes I’d say it will be a must have bric to use on every site.

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Yeah, Lazy Load comes with its issues. You can run a high risk of layout shift (unless you make placeholders) and it messes up scroll to anchor.

Anyway, here is Sneak Peak! :mag: A close up of the Icon. Thats about all you need, as the whole thing will be highly fine tuned. It’s just drop in your project and forget.

CleanShot 2024-02-21 at 07.56.43@2x