Link list in WordPress implementation

I’ve been going over the Links documentation (Wordpress Short Codes – Blocs – User Documents) but cannot seem to figure out to create a list of most recent posts (just the post-titles) in such a way that they are clickable (in essence, a list of links that point towards the posts) ?

I’ve been toying around with a list element with a loop assigned to it, resulting in a list of titles, but I cannot get them to link to the posts they belong to. Anyone figured this one out yet?

The only WP build I have done to date had pages with no blog posts, so I cannot answer with any direct experience, but it shouldn’t be difficult in theory. I think @Norm is best placed to answer at this stage.

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Have you watched the video tutorials? They are not hugely detailed but it may well cover what you need. There are 9 videos on WP integration with Blocs

Yes, they helped greatly to get the basic functionality just about right. I reckon I could do it using a widget zone and adding a link list that way, but I guess there should be a more elegant way to do this (that would avoid the possibility of my enduser breaking the setup of the link list). Maybe I’m overlooking something, but I can’t seem to figure it out.