I went from hand coding to DreamWeaver to Muse to RapidWeaver. Seeing the split between RapidWeaver and Stacks and the messy drama that unfolded left a bad taste. No interest in Elements and there’s shitty communication from Isaiah at Stacks Pro…so no telling when that’s coming out. I downloaded the trial for Blocs and started looking at some of the online instructional on doing common things that I would want…like menu bar builds. I don’t know if the trial is limited but it’s not behaving like it should (as shown in videos). Adding custom classes and bootstrap classes…not affecting links, etc. Is this something with the trial? Just wondering how long I should frustrate myself before deciding to scram or buy this. Any advice appreciated.
Q. How long does the Blocs trial last?
A. The Blocs trial is indefinite, however, it is limited in various ways. All app limitations are displayed at startup when Blocs runs in trial mode.
Does the trial list those as limitations?
Which videos are you watching and what are you trying to do with the navigation?
Menu’s: The one thing that threw me when I started using Blocs were the menu styling - colours, fonts etc.
When you realise that the basics for these are set up in the project settings things become a lot clearer, then you just have to set the ‘active’ state. There are loads of threads and videos about it now, so once you get your head around these 2 separate bits, life gets easier.
Enjoy Blocs, it’s good fun.
Yeah saw the message on Discord. Joe Workman has kept me hopeful whenever we chat. Thanks!
hi Norm, even duplicating links shows that all links are locked so haven’t been able to get more than a Home. I saw a video on setting 3 links left, logo center, and 3 links right using classes and none of the classes seemed to work…as shown in the video. I used to do all this by hand back in the hand coding days so I get how it should work…just trying to wrap my mind around Blocs overall if I should dip both feet in and make the switch. In RW I develop some really sharp custom sites that stand out. I want to know that I can be flexible with my designs on this platform…I’ll put in the time to learn it if it’s worth it.
Hi @gfcreativeinc, quite often when menu links are locked it can mean that your Nav container>List is set to Primary Menu (meaning it’s based on the pages you have made). If you have only done the Home page so far, just make others and they will magically appear in the many.
Alternatively, if you change the Primary Menu to None, then you can add extra links by duplicating and changing the name, such as to different pages or anchor blocs.
Do you have a link to that video? It may not be for the current version of Blocs, etc.,
I created 6 pages and threw in a simple navigation bloc. If I wanted to duplicate a link in the menu items on the left they remain locked…see pic.
That video goes back to Blocs 3
It still applies though I think. I can’t recall what was in it without rewatching.
You need to change the menu source to none to have full control over the menu. This bypasses the menu manager.
Oh pre flex
Like I said I would have to watch the video again to see what was in it.
See that bit in the right column that says ‘Primary Menu’? Change that to none and go from there.
I’m not sure if you know, but we have many tutorial videos at the Blocs Academy.
Blocs development is fairly progressive so a lot happens between major releases, maybe this is not the case with RapidWeaver.
Because Blocs progresses so much between major releases, one of the pitfalls is videos from a few versions back can be misleading.
But many are still very helpful.
Not sure about RapidWeaver, but It appears RealMac’s new Elements app will soon change that possible previous perception. It already looks fairly feature inclusive even at the private beta stage, albeit for Tailwind. Blocs and Elements are about to have an arms race for features.
Don’t you mean out of date.
Some very cool things, based on what I have seen in the blog videos. But I think their “trick” here, is basically create a UI to leverage all the Tailwind classes and keeping it pure to the framework.
Exciting times ahead for everyone
That’s great that Blocs updated all their bloc’s bytes videos from version 4 to 5. You can tell because the preview button is no longer on the right hand side it’s in the middle (probably not much use to new users haha) but very efficient, nevertheless.