Love Blocs Hate the Menu system

Nice, how would we make this happen? Not one for code, but looks cool.

I do think there is demand for more depth to the menu set up - and some nice styling and options to add images etc in.

Yes yes I know it can all be achieved with some work & I have done thisā€¦ā€¦but some more simple options out of the box is needed.

Maybe this is something a bric could be released for? Dunno!


Improvements are coming :+1:


As always Boss :wink:
Very much trusting you on your way :four_leaf_clover:

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Yes, a ready-to-use tool (menuemachine) like that used by rob keniger in golive. (Unfortunately, the project was discontinued) Menus are still running today! Easy to use, clear for designers, no code. I hope for the boss.

When there is a dropdown menu leading to another two or more sub menus for something like service categories it becomes very jumbled and tricky to edit inside the navbar. It should also be possible to create a sub folder menu structure by dragging a folder inside another using the layer navigator.

I also tend to think that mega menus and off canvas should be easier to implement.

I have a video tutorial series going live shortly that show you how to easily implement offcanvas in Blocs and easy to edit.

Update: Hey guys, thanks for your patience, I actually filmed this over a week ago. But I am currently re-filming it, as I had a re-thought about how I wanted to present it. :slight_smile: I love using off canvas, and I hope this series of videos will help you make some cool menus.


Iā€™ve added a quicker way to create lists from selected text. Coming in Blocs 4.5 beta build 4.

CleanShot 2022-03-11 at 11.53.08


Thatā€™s a nice improvement, and time saver.


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Hi Norm,

This looks great - if the text after the bullet point is quite long, will it stay in its formatting (to the right of the bullet) and not go under the bullet?

Yeah it should do.

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CleanShot 2022-03-11 at 13.40.35@2x

Lists can now also be quickly added using the text inert options.


Glad to see the list improvement.

The default spacing seems to be a lot for a bullet list.

It would be nice to have a Custom Class automatically created when you create a list to make adjusting typographic settings like spacing, etc. much easier.

Thanks Norm.

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