Menu text color off

I want a black menu text but no matter what I do the color stays dark gray. I’ve applied a style (.text-menu) to each list item selecting black as my color but no change. I’ve tried applying a style to the list itself using ‘.text-menu a’ and no change. I can change the font, the weight, the size etc but just not the color. My project settings for text is set to black. What gives?

here’s a screen shot

Hi @Lancedboyle, try this:

Turn off any classes you have applied to the menu items, and in project settings, under the ‘T’ dropdown until you see ‘Navigation Link’ and choose your font and colour there.

If you want the active link to be a different colour, set a style called ‘active’ (or whatever), and type this name into the Active Link Class at the bottom of the first tab - screenshots below.

Hope that helps in some way.

That’s the ticket! Thanks TrevReav.

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