Meta/Facebook plugin

Hi all,

I have several websites where I have the official Meta/Facebook page plugin and for some reason on Safari on any of my devices it no longer works! but all ok on other browsers.

Just thought I would see if anyone else uses them if they have had work around and just letting you know.

Cheers all !

Probably x-frame-options deny. Do you get an error like this in the safari browser inspector ??

refused to display..... in a frame because it is set x-frame-options to deny

More info.

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Hi @PeteSharp

Thanks for your reply.

No, nothing at all. Just the website opening and nothing on the Facebook post!!! just blank. Only on Safari.

On that link I posted which is from Meta - when I type in a Facebook page, even my own it will not even display it there anymore on Safari, but other browsers.

It’s a Meta issue (hence why I just put it in the general discussion on the forum) but wondered if its just me !!! Meta have yet to get back to me.

If anyone has any other work arounds or a way to display Facebook I am always interested.

I post a lot of social media like this. twitter always is the most stable.

Here is a little website I am soon going to update soon for my client and noticed his Facebook is off too on Safari.

@AdieJAM, looks like you do. I take it you didn’t actually check. The inspector is your best friend.


You can fix this in your htaccess file though.


It’s a local (personal) setting in Safari. Uncheck “Hide IP address from Trackers” and your problem is fixed. :grin:


Thanks @PeteSharp @Jerry

Sorry, I did check but just glanced at Sources and not Console.
I can see it now.

So logging onto Meta and creating the code - why do they not set this in the iFrame so its showing on peoples safari browsers?..

Hi Jerry,

Thanks for sending this. Yes this will be fixed for me…but this is going out to lots of people. The code that Meta are putting out should surely bypass this?

This has worked for 2 years and BOOM! all of a sudden Safari no longer displays Metas code for there Facebook plugin code.

Strange one.

Try allowing x-frame-options for in your htaccess file

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Hi thanks for this.

Just tried each of the below (1 at a time!)

Header set X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM"


Header set Content-Security-Policy "frame-ancestors"


Header always set X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"

And neither are working. Not sure If I am adding them in the wrong place!..if there is a right or wrong place in the htaccess file.

I will keep trying!

Being one of the few that does not use Social Media at all and who’s glad to get every piece of protection from companies like Meta gathering information (even if “only” IP addresses), I sure am glad that their code is not (ever) going to bypass those privacy settings.


That’s why I said “try”. That’s the usual fix for the error.

Funny enough the issue I was having with some CSS the other day I posted about, appeared to be a Safari issue, but as I thought about it, I realised, safari was actually rendering it as instructed, the others were doing things it wasn’t asked. Safari is still my fav. :grin:

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I naturally use Safari but I will start to push on Chrome soon as I use several of the plugins in Chrome. And issues and glitches in Safari have put me off it.

I like Edge better than Chrome. I know they are both built on the same thing, edge just seems nicer.

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Brave for me if you value privacy and no ads on YouTube. I still use Safari as well.