More options for building Wordpress themes

I love the fact that Blocs now allows you build Wordpress themes. It just seems like it’s slightly lacking features that would allow us to build more advanced Wordpress themes and have a little more control.

I love using Pinegrow Theme Converter as it’s designed for specifically converting html into Wordpress Themes. It has a decent amount of features… I.e. allows you to build theme customizer options to control specific theme parts. And more control over the post loop.

I feel that if Blocs would have more of these features built in or even as an add on, it would be perfect for theme creating.

There’s always room for new features and improvement so I hope in coming releases, maybe some more Wordpress features get added.



Yes, this is just the beginning. Lots more to come.


@captain_tom which post loop features do you miss?

@Norm These are some of the options you get with Pinegrow on the Post Loops. It just allows a bit more control. If Blocs could have the same options it would really make it more powerful.

Screenshot 2021-01-31 at 17.04.17

Ideally, if Blocs had all the features that pinegrow has…, it would be an absolute game changer! Here are the docs for pinegrow on the Wordpress theme section.