My first Blocs Site - Please comment

I finally got this thing off the ground (pun intended). I would appreciate your comments. Email and SSL are not set up yet.

Is this really your first site?
I am also building my first site and I would like to know how much time do you spend doing it?
My opinion: very nice and informative site. For my taste, your photo edition examples a bit overdone. The selection of the pictures and the repetitions suggest that you are just starting with this business. I don’t think this is favorable for you. Try to reduce the content and add examples that would be interesting for your clients. Hopfuly this is helpful.

Regards Mike

Thanks for responding. I appreciate it. I agree with your comments. I did a site for my previous business 10 years ago but that was using a template and not responsive.

I am just starting out in this business and I state that at the top of the home page. This is a hobby that I want to turn into a business.

To answer your question it has taken me a year and a half to getting this online. I had to learn to fly, pass the FAA uSAS pilot exam, learn Photoshop cc and LR cc and iMovie. I did all that with the help of Great learning resource. Now I can take and edit the photos and movies in house. I needed all those to capture and put the images on the web.

This morning was the first time I looked my site via a tablet and phone. I have used the preview and view in browser of Blocs but seeing it via mobile was very different.
The site in my opinion is too much “in your face”. I need to cut out a lot of the text content and redo the images. Probably cut out one or two pages.

I was happy with various site statistics views of the site. It got high marks for a lot of the metrics. So I am happy with that.

Thanks again for your response. Good luck with your site.