My new laser site

After weeks of procrastination I have finally got my new site up for my small business. Had a few challenges along the way, but such a vast improvement on my last website and loads so quick!

Love the look of it, very pleased I persevered with Blocs

All feedback appreciated

Still got to sort out the https thing, and also 301 redirects from my old site. Then got to add more services. It never ends :slight_smile:

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Overall the site looks good. Very interesting procedures…

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keep the good work!

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I use social media a lot for marketing and in communication with clients, when I post a link Facebook grabs the closest available image, which in this case is my logo file. This is reversed to look better in my design, but doesn’t translate very well in this context. Is there any way I can tell Facebook to display an alternative image?

EDIT - I should have used Google before asking that question :slight_smile:

@Highlander… How did you setup the cookies in Blocs? Do you have your own code to do this?

Hi there Eagle

I used the free widget linked here by Norm - recommended!

Instead of putting the code in the header field for each page, you can also put it in the global Project settings > Analytics Tracking Code box so that it populates all the pages on your site

@Highlander you also can now use the code editor for that, so you do not need to missuse the analitics field for that. You can now set there also code which is applied to all pages.


Thank you webplus

I now have my Google Analytics and Facebook pixel in the File > Project Settings > Analytics Tracking Code field

My Cookie Consent script is in Window > Code Editor > Project Header

Page specific Open Graph tags are inserted into each page header. I’m still getting errors at the Facebook Debugger, but it works as well as I realistically need it to

Appreciate the help