Nav link Focus doesn't works

Is it normal if the focus styling isn’t visible in browser (once clicked on an inpage scroll bloc’s #ID), or do I omitt something ?
Tried with default’s nav-link as smartnav, even !important, in vain…


I don’t think :focus is what you think it is.

What are you wanting to achieve?

Hi Pete, with this site when you click on a link in nav it goes to anchor ; I want to have the respective button activated (red background then), that’s is Focus in pure html no ? (maybe because of bootstrap it is somehow complicated…).

Thats is not what :focus does, the effect you want is called ScrollSpy. And it is built into Bootstrap

:focus is different, and its standard CSS. In particular it is part of accessibility.

Thank you, I look immediatly…

Wow I love this effect (sroolspy egs), it’s so clean by scrolling as on click and helpfull…

:face_holding_back_tears: JavaScript I give up (to learn as complicaiton and time for each updates to re-paste manually…) big regret.

Ok I was far with focus :grin: It had sens semantically, thought that was that, active in context.

Salut le breton* :grin:

Very nice.

But you are the professional, and I’m the amateur. :grin:

*So do I :slight_smile:

( …If you are interested in time exchange (2d/3d/sound…) )

As I wrote elesewhere :
…my offer “website” and “mapetitemnairie” is only with bloc’s templates very basic already done… my main project is “Picture” (90% among all in fact).

Btw are fish and chips sellers necessarily fishermen ?

Watch out, it makes fat. :fries: :grin: