Navigation dropdown link colour

Hi everyone, for some reason i’m really struggling to change this element, and can’t tell if its a bug or not. I can’t seem to target this element, and its got an important rule of black text which i want to make white. If i untick it, it reverts back to white text, but can’t seem to target the attribute. thanks for your help in advance :slight_smile:

nav .dropdown-menu .nav-link

I don’t think it’s a very friendly design at this point, but it can be done in white, and I think your wishes are noted here for your project.

Have you got this working how you want now?

You have a mix of side bar colours and classes working here. When you make things complex like this, easy changes become more difficult than necessary.

Hi, thanks for the reply :slight_smile: all sorted now, there was a contradicting element in there, so all good now :slight_smile: Thankyou both

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