Blocs for Mac V5.1.1 Beta Build 1

Hey everyone, here is the 1st beta of Blocs V5.1.1. This build has the first collection of tweaks and fixes after the launch of 5.1.

One notable improvement is regarding navigation dropdown links, please read on for details of that.

Navigation Dropdown Links
In Blocs 5.1 we issued a fix to prevent dropdown links within navigations being set to white on white background. In this new version of Blocs we have a made a few tweaks to this fix so it is a little more flexible, meaning it can be manually customised using the Class Editor.

  1. make sure the navigation Bloc has its theme set to default. This will not currently work on dark themes.

  1. Open the Class Manager and add the new subclass for navigation dropdown links. Editing this class will let you set the navigation dropdown link colour or background color using the Class Editor.

I hope this helps those frustrated by the recent fix/change.

Anyway, have a nice weekend and I’ll catch up next week :beers:

Download Blocs 5.1.1 Beta 1


“Blocs for Mac V5.1.1 Beta Build 1”

…and so it begins… :face_with_monocle:

Rich the Weather Guy

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Any chance we could have an option in the page settings to copy the URL from the path settings? This would be useful when required for other purposes like adding structured data. Right now I cannot even select the text and copy/paste it.

On a side note, I see the path is copying capital letters from the page name, where they would actually be in lower case inside the web browser as a URL. It is also missing the trailing / on clean URL pages.


Don’t worry testing stages won’t be as long :sunglasses:

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So is it safe to build our projects in this beta or should we wait till the next release?

You should use betas only for testing. Not for productive use.

That’s pretty sad this could be like at half a year maybe even a year before we see the next release.


I don’t see %pagePathLevel% resolving correctly in preview.
I put it in an element’s attribute on a page other than home w/ project settings ‘Clean Page URL’s’ enabled.

• Getting ‘./’ when it should be ‘../’

• Also, would it be possible within edit-mode to have a variable that shows if the current page has ‘Clean Page URL’s’ enabled or not? Then paths could be assigned w/o having to use slow published js further down the line.


Do you have any issue with the 5.1 version which would force you to use 5.1.1beta ?

Works fine for me.

Patch releases are only tested for a week or so.

I do, but nothing that clearing out the cache can’t fix. Project shows up 98% blank. I’ll post some screen shots later.

So are you saying that once some of the bugs are fixed or patched we can use it for projects? :slight_smile:

When working through larger projects I sometimes think it would be useful to know what stage I am at in terms of page number. Here I know there are 114 pages, but if I knew this was page 57 for example I could quickly calculate how many pages had been edited that day or how many need to be done etc, so it could be useful for targeting work goals or even deciding I’ve done enough and should take a break.

Screenshot 2023-07-10 at 21.02.08

As an afterthought, perhaps the project overview could even calculate how many pages had been worked on in any given session.

I’ve just updated an old website and scanned it with Scrutiny to check for any errors. It has flagged three 404 links for non existent:


These are references inside the /css/leaflet.css I am guessing need to be cleaned up in the export.

Thinking about container tag types, I wondered why we are missing <nav> and if that could/should be added to the options in the side panel.

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If I exclude an item from export like a paragraph of text and then paste it to another page it has to be manually excluded again. I cannot help thinking that should be carried over by default.

Im not getting that issue. The exclude setting is carried over.

The <nav> tag is automatically added when you ad a navigation Bric or one of the navigation Blocs.

Added support for this in beta build 2.

CleanShot 2023-07-11 at 16.34.29