Navigation menu: change font (color/underline) of current page


I use a navigation menu, and I’ve successfully set the custom classes for “normal”, “hover” and “active”.
But how can I influence the font color of the word in the navigation menu of the page which is currently shown? Or underline it?
You know what I mean: there are 4 pages, 4 words in the navigation menu, but I want 1 of them different when I’m on that specific page. Actually something very basic, I think, but I can’t find an explanation how to achieve this.

Thank you very much for an instruction!


Hello @menufontcolour

You can’t use the navigation/menu in the Global area for this.
Since the navigation/menu then is “global” and the same on all pages.
The navigation has to be in the Dynamic area.

Here’s a quick video tutorial on how to set that up.

Cheers / Johny


Great Video.

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  1. Any new link ?

Video is not to see any more

It’s all part of the Blocs Academy.

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It’s a 4 year old link @KBConcepts

That explains it.