Navigation Menu URL Not in Sitemap

Backstory here is that I have a blog on my Blocs created website that is linked within a Blocs NavMenu. The blog is not part of Blocs but instead is a separate CMS. Not going into the technical details of how this is wired up but from a user perspective it’s at…

  • Main domain: Blocs
  • /blog: CMS

Seems pretty straight forward thus far, except come to find out after looking through my Google Search Console (GSC) a bit, I noticed that none of my blog is getting indexed. Reviewing the sitemap.xml that Blocs generated, it appears that my blog isn’t included at all.

Not sure if this is a bug or maybe a feature request.

Any thoughts by folks? I’d hate for this kind of an issue to get others down the road.

P.S. Not a huge issue per se for me now as I’ve manually added in my blog sitemap.xml to my GSC.

I don’t think it is a bug. As you mentioned, the blog is not actually part of the Blocs project. That being said, I had similar structure with Volt CMS, and it always worked fine with Search Console. But, in case with Volt, I actually create a Blog page with Blocs, and then manage it via Volt, which I guess is not the case with your website.


Thanks for the confirmation Eldar.

I guess I was sort of thinking that if Blocs knows the domain of my Blocs project, then if I add in menu items that are part of said domain but not part of Blocs, they’d be included in the sitemap. Otherwise you’ll end up needing to manually hack on your sitemap.xml after every publish to keep things in sync.

Regardless, maybe a feature request for @Norm to maybe either…

  1. Include in domain nav menu URLs within the sitemap.xml automagically
  2. Create functionality to append the generated sitemap.xml with user specified data

Or maybe there some other ideas/thoughts here. Just trying to reduce some pain for others in the future who don’t know, that they don’t know, this aspect of things, as this was the case for me earlier today.

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