Need a Website Designer ASAP

I am looking for a blocs freelancer to create a new company website to be launched in 30-45 days. Have budgeted money and an immediate need. The site will showcase a technical product and needs to be easy to navigate, not too blinky, not too plain. Initial kickoff will have 20-25 pages. Please contact me to discuss rates, references and availability. This position can lead to ongoing contract work. Marketing knowledge a plus, but not required.

You would think this would work for you our friend, @Eldar developed the Minimalist just for this reason.

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Yes, that looks like a great tool and a great price. But I am really looking for someone who would like to handle the building of the website and has a better design eye than me. I’ll check out the tool for future reference, but I’m time constrained on this immediate need. Thanks for the link @KBConcepts


Hi, Mark
I think I can do.


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Hi Mark

Happy to throw our lot in on this? if you fancy a chat


Hi Mark, I can definitely help you with this. Feel free to have a look at:


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Hello @markclark,
I don’t know if you will like my style. I haven’t had time to prepare my website yet because I prioritize client requests before my portfolio. But I’m sharing some of my work with you: (blocks) (blocks) (blocks) ( html css js framework Bulma) (wordpress) (wordpress)

and myprofolio will be with blocks or html cSs JS
I am a graphic designer by profession, so I do all the creative and execution for printing. Logotype, flyer, kakemono, business card, press insert, etc.

Thanks to all who have responded. We have found someone to provide this service for us. I will keep all responses in case new needs arise.

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