Need help exporting my site to

I’m new to Blocs and love how intuitive the App is! I’ve built a site and gotten to the point where I have it exported & added to CyberDuck. Now I’m ready to upload to but I can’t seem to find any solid walkthrough for uploading the files so that I can publish pages on Wordpress to match exactly what I built in Blocs App. I’ve downloaded the html files but when I try to add them they don’t contain all the colors and styling that I expect to see. I know I’m missing something here but lack the experience to pin point a solution.

Is anyone able to provide a good beginners source that can walk me through uploading Blocs files to Wordpress thoroughly? Any help is appreciated! TYIA!

Hi @Risemadeit

I have moved your post to the Wordpress category so it can be picked up by those who use it more.

Quick question, did you make a Wordpress theme?

Blocs has a series of videos available here to go through (Blocs Academy).

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Hi @PeteSharp

Thank you for your help in moving this to the right place and for your quick response!
I have not created a Wordpress theme, but it sounds like that’s the way to go here. So I’d essentially build the frame for everything in Blocs and tag it according to the Wordpress data linking, then upload as a theme and fill in the content within the WP platform?
I’ve watched a lot of the others but not these. I’ve started watching them and will reach out if I have any further questions.

Thank you!

@PeteSharp I’ve successfully uploaded my Blocs site as a theme. Everything is looking good except for a couple pages that are not loading. I have 4 internal pages and only 2 of the 4 are loading when I click on them, the other 2 are reloading the homepage. I’ve checked the nav links and they are setup to route to the proper pages, is there something I’m overlooking here?

How do I get all of my internal pages to load properly?

That’s entirely correct. However, since you’re talking about, take into account that you’ll need a certain level of paid account before you’re able to upload your own theme to their platform.

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Do you have a link for us to check?

Yes I do. Here you go:
Thank you for your help!

Can you send the blocs project?

I’m noticing double slashes in your links:

This might be the reason. Did you enter a slash at the end of your domain in the project settings of Blocs?

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Hi @brechtryckaert no I just have it as Should I have the “https://” added?

Hey @odd1 not sure how to do that. I’m also a little nervous to share my first project ever, is there something I can look for that you might be able to walk me through?

I’ve tried rebuilding the page, menu, and naming conventions. Nothing seems to work. Originally it was 2 of the 4 that weren’t working (Contact Us & Inspection Pricing) but now it’s only 1 page that’s not working (Contact Us). I was able to get the Pricing page to work by duplicating the Inspection Services page and editing the blocs out for the services content. I can try that again for Contact but it’s such a wacky way to get this to work. I’d like to understand the root of the issue but no dice so far.
Thank you for your comment!

I just wanted to know if you used the correct page names. In Blocs you have to build pages with specific names as you see in the screenshot

So you have to create just a page named “page” that will be used as a template of all your wordpress pages then use wordpress to create your page content.
There’s another solution if you want to create all the pages in blocs with different design: all pages created in blocs that doesn’t have the specific names I’ve sent you before (single, page, author etc.) can be used as page template from wordpress pages.
Here is the example:

So I went through the source code and saw that the extra slash is only present in the links in the menu:

<ul class="site-navigation nav navbar-nav ml-auto nav_list_fontsize">
								<li class="nav-item">
									<a href="" class="nav-link  ltc-black">Home</a>
								<li class="nav-item">
									<a href="" class="a-btn nav-link ltc-black">Contact Us</a>
								<li class="nav-item">
									<a href="" class="nav-link  ltc-black">Pricing</a>
								<li class="nav-item">
									<a href="" class="nav-link  ltc-black">Services</a>
								<li class="nav-item">
									<a href="" class="nav-link  ltc-black">Schedule Inspection Today!</a>

Did you create the menu items yourself or did you set the menu data source to the WordPress menu?

Hey @brechtryckaert I created them myself. I did not use wordpress to create them.

We went ahead and removed that page from the nav so now we should be ok with this issue. I have found a new issue that I’m trying to work through with emails not making it to the destination from the site itself.