New Bric - Offcanvas Helper

If you keep refreshing the page you’ll see even more magic happening. :magic_wand: :man_mage:

Cooler Sound!

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When I use “scroll to” the menu should close, but it doesn’t.
Is there a way to achieve this?

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Interesting situation. Offcanvas won’t know to close, and the scroll to is blocs JavaScript.

Let me see if I can come up with something to solve that.

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Would be great.
Thank you

Hey @Bootsie,

I have a solution, its working on my end, if you would like to test this before I push an update, can you DM me an email to send to.


DM is coming.

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Offcanvas Helper update (v1.1.0)

What’s new: ‘Scroll to’ support added. Offcanvas will now close when scrolling to a target on the same page.

Thanks Roger for testing.


How do we get the update?
Update: very obvious: in the extension manager!

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My pleasure.

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Yep, either extension manager, or Blocs will tell you when you start her up (not sure how frequently that happens)

Loving this Bric. I am wondering how to additional videos are coming on to use things like the animated menu button and the sub menu animations.


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Drop down menus and menu sections videos are coming. I just had some other things come up.

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Are there custom hamburgers available? Or some cheats that show us how to apply one?

There is an extension coming that will have animated hamburgers.

For now you can use icons, buttons etc.


Super! When do you expect it to be ready?

The Hamburger extension depends on my workload with clients.

The two videos I am hoping will be up today. (NZ)

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Looking forward to it! Number 9 or 17 is what I’m looking for. Doesn’t have to be exact.

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There will be several to choose from. I’m just deciding also if I go full CSS or SVG.

Whichever is faster. Navigation has the ability to be the biggest resource on a website. It can be difficult to balance resources and function.