New bric: Protect

Add basic protection to your content.

Protect adds layers of basic protection to your page, so to prevent an average user to copy your content. Methods included are:

  • Drag & drop
  • Right click
  • Text select

Default container is body, so all elements of your page will be protected. We can also target specific elements by adding the related class or ID at the Container field. Multiple classes and ID’s can be entered, separated by comma.


Note that Protect won’t prevent a decided user to copy content. If your content has personal value then use other forms of protection together with Protect, like watermarking images and including copyright notes to the website. Or simply don’t put it on the internet :grinning:

Demo: Home
Protect is Donationware. If you find it useful for your project please consider a donation.



Nice Bric @Lucas! :slight_smile: This will save adding code for us.

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Thanks @KBConcepts

I’m already updating Protect adding basic protection in iOS and Android devices (touch callouts and pointer events) :muscle:

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I’m looking forward to seeing an instruction video @Lucas :slight_smile:
Also on your Demo for Brics/Protect you have side by side example. Are you aware they are the same in FireFox? In other words, when you right click they do nothing.
Maybe it’s me, not understanding what the Bric does.

Yep images are the same, one is protected while the other not. Try drag&drop the images and select text on both protected and no-protected columns to see the difference :wink:

Ah, so Right Click does not come in play then. What about Copy and then Paste… does that work?

Yep! I’m adding a paragraph to the demo explaining. All these methods are included:

  • Drag & drop
  • Right click
  • Text select

Thanks for clarifying :slight_smile:

HI @Lucas,

Great bric - one quick question, as the text is protected, will this be hidden from search engines too once its protected?

I think it works much like it did in Foundation. Shouldn’t be a problem.

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Text and tags are visible to search engines, just the copy methods are disabled :wink:

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Hello @Lucas, awesome Bric! Downloaded and donated. Christmas has come early with all these new, and super useful Brics! :christmas_tree:

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Is it also true that you can’t play a video or audio on the site if you have protect installed?

Perfect. cheers.

Thanks @Lucas

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Thanks for donating @Jerry, Merry Christmas :grinning:

Not true. You can play videos, press buttons and fill forms with Protect installed. But even if it was true you could apply Protect to specific items using classes :wink:

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I’m trying to get it (fair price :grimacing:) but, after clicking Buy Now, site seems freezing…

Oh oh, am I stupid or what? This is only a demo page?
:joy::joy::joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

OK, the problem was this: I’m Italian, so I wrote the price with the comma “,” instead of the dot “.” And the PayPal mask didn’t work. :roll_eyes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Paid. Downloaded. Installed. Tried on a page (here). And it works great! :sparkling_heart:

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Hi @Lucas
For me “PROTECT” is a great Bric, it only needs to be complete that somehow the options of the right button menu could be disabled.
Let me explain: when a person does not speak the language of the website being consulted, there are applications (I use Mate ) to make a simultaneous translation with just one click and without leaving of the page.
With the Bric “protect” there is no way to do it, with which readers from other countries and perhaps a future buyer on this global planet will stone.

Maybe a possible future improvement ??


Video: Monosnap