New Bric: Table Pro

Table Pro provides easy setup of even the most complex responsive table layouts.

This is a bric that people have been asking for since the beginning and now it’s here - no excuses any more.

Full suite of styling controls for all header & content cells
Supports either auto layout or fixed column layouts up to 12 columns
Custom column spanning controls to build complex tables
Can have multiple tables on a page
Automatic cells wrapping & header visibility when row cell count is different than the preset columns
Automatic row height adjustment
Prefix text and thousand/decimal/currency symbol on cell functions
Custom one column layout for smaller mobile devices
Custom cell functions for line numbering, automatic dates, count of rows, sum, average, maximum & minimum
Works in Blocs 5 using both Bootstrap 4 & 5 frameworks

Table Pro provides a modern table generator that everyone should have in their toolbox - what are you waiting for? Start building tables with Table Pro

Thanks and keep building with Blocs !



Finally, a Table Bric we can all use!

Thanks Bill!

Rich the Weather Guy

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dont suppose you have a video microteach for how to use it and change the elements at all? or a PDF walkthrough?

Well, I’d like to but times are tough right now so I didn’t do one. If you buy any of my products, I’d be happy to do a screenshare w/ you, once you’ve had a chance to try the controls.

P.S. There’s a bizarre Blocs crash that happens when clicking on the row bric in the sidebar, but Norm & I are still trying to figure out the cause - just click Continue button in mean time.


thanks, i bought it last night, ive a few things on this weekend but will try as soon as possible, i found that it wasn’t that obvious on how to use it, so would welcome your input. i have a table i wish to replicate on one of my sites (ive always had issues with it) so hoping this will be a solution.

many thanks

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I use a lot of html-generated tables on my sites so I was was happy to see this new Bric. I bought and downloaded it, but unfortunately I have no clue how to use it. Some basic documentation is needed to get started. For example why are there three brics? Which do I use? One crashes, as you mentioned.


Basic information is always provided in my FAQs page: BricsDesign FAQs


Thank you!

Hi @Bill

Even if there is no video, could you provide a picture guide, because this is very, very bad, and as I can see it’s not just me.
The description is the one thing you wrote on your page, but there is no mention of usage, and things are not clear.
You obviously know how to use it because you made it, but others may not.
It wouldn’t hurt if you could help me get started, because it’s not good that way.


No sort function for the time being - still waiting for api bugs to be ironed out so I can work on other fun things :wink:


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Hi Everyone,

Just released Table Pro v1.1.0 (tested on Blocs 5.2.6) - a HUGE update:


  • Updated div removal for Blocs 5.2.0+
  • Updated BG image handling
  • Added outer table border radius & outer table border width controls
  • Updated border radius css for mobile row buttons
  • Updated header text horizontal control
  • Added header text vertical center control
  • Added header height control for rotated headers
  • Added ‘Cn VerAlign’ control to allow vertical alignment of all content
  • Added ‘Hdr. Break’ & ‘Cont Break’ controls to allow word wrap break options
  • Updated content text horizontal control
  • Fixed content border when using alt rows
  • Added control text vertical align control
  • Updated data cell border in mobile view
  • Updated table BG image now is applied to each row in mobile view


  • Updated version number to be hidden when row is collapsed
  • Fix of crash when clicking on bric in layer navigator


  • Updated background layout in edit view
  • Updated BG image handling
  • Added color swatch picker for all color controls
  • Added ‘Header Vis’ control for visibility in desktop view
  • Added ‘Rotate Header’ control to allow more room for columns
  • Added ‘Hdr Bord’ control for custom header border color
  • Added ‘Hide Content’ control when setting up header-only rows
  • Added ‘Hidden Pos’ control for row position in the table when ‘Hide Content’ is used
  • Updated content horizontal text align control
  • Updated line break support in cell
  • Fixed custom header & cell border color in edit view
  • Added support for link in cell
  • Added ‘BG Size’ control when using background image
  • Added ‘Cont Bord’ control for custom content border color
  • Rearranged ‘ColSp %’ & ‘Col Fr’ layout
  • Fix of col span code

I know a bunch of you want to build tables - Start building tables with Table Pro Contact me and we can do a screenshare - it’s easy :wink:



@JDW I"m surprised you are not commenting on this and all over it. You above all other members have eagerly expressed interest for years about wanting tables within Blocs. :grinning:

Since you tagged me, I shall answer you.

Back in the day, I had a friend who refused to see movies in theaters. He always said, “I’ll wait until it comes out on video.” And if you read the earlier replies, you’ll see no demo of the software has yet come out on video. :smiley:

Of course, that is not my primary reason, but I thought I’d help those folks out by adding my vote of support for a video showing how the software is supposed to be used.

Yet another reason I have not been “commenting on this and all over it” is because I am spending far less time designing websites today and didn’t even know about it until you tagged me.

But perhaps the biggest reason of all is because I forged my own hand-crafted solution to the problem years ago, primarily because an easier solution didn’t exist at the time.

Over time though, I grew tired of having to do all that manual labor with tables, so I stopped presenting tabular data in HTML tables and just dropped it into PDFs instead. Sure, HTML is better, but wasted too much of my time. The original data is in PDF format anyway, and I was just making it more web friendly by rebuilding it into an HTML table in my Blocs websites. So now, I just give people the original PDFs, which makes updates faster.

If you want to see one example of a table that I still have on our Japanese site, you can check out this page:

Scroll down to TOYOTA Compatibility to see the table I hand-crafted. In the past, I had tables much larger than this, enormously complex. And I built them all by hand so I could decide which columns would vanish when the browser window width got too narrow. And when you have a massive table, you have to make those decisions. At least, until a better solution comes along that allows people to expand a table’s width on a smaller iPhone display. I never could figure out how to accomplish that, so I just hide lesser important columns in XS.

I hope this answers your question.

This is great news Bill and a VERY welcome update!!

BTW Bill, I did not notice an auto update in Blocs?

Rich the Weather Guy

I never posed a question, but even so the later clearly defines the absence. :wink:

Hey, currently Blocs doesn’t run update checks automatically, you have to manually click the little curly update icon in the top right of Extension Manager. I think I recall Norm saying he was going to try to get it to auto-check in 5.2.7 beta.

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Does this also have a sort feature… Name, Date, Title, Sums, etc.?

Sort, no not right now - there’s plenty of other functionality that you can look at :wink:

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I suppose this means it’s coming, right? If so, that would be awesome. :+1: