NEW! Koncepts to Kreations Website

Hey guys!

Thank you so much @Norm for helping me out with this very urgent matter hahaha hope you didn’t missed you breakfast. THANK YOU soooo much I owe you alot already :slight_smile:

Here is the New Site I built with Blocs 2.3 Beta. Hope you guys like it! Koncepts to Kreations


@mackyangeles Always a pleasure, great work Macky.

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Looks nice, my only observation is the text size. I know your looking at design, but I found some of the text hard to read.

Another great looking Blocs site.


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Thank you @casey1823, I agree to that… though the client wanted it like that haha they want it elegant and thin haha :slight_smile: actually I added some bold text to huddle it in.

Nicely done. My only observation would be the text size mentioned previously. It’s not the thinness, but the actual size and I would have found it easier if the font was a couple points bigger.

Great work, as always! :+1:

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I like it very nice, would love to know how you did the menu part? Viewing on my iPad it’s nice how it goes to one page.

Thank you @William, It was purely built with Blocs 2.3 Beta. :slight_smile: Navigation Menu is powered by the New Menu Styles of Blocs.

Thank you mackyangeles

Hi @mackyangeles beautiful website !
can you say us how did you do a plain page of gradiant background when the menu appears ? In my case, I have a big black stripe at the top (same as header area I think)

Thank you @Paul, you can add the gradient background using the Custom Class Panel :slight_smile: by selecting the pre named class name on the Class Manager