New site - feedback please

It’s been a few years since I built a site with Blocs.

This is my first one with V5+. I used Eldar’s template blocs primarily.

Any pointers or advice much appreciated.

There are two big problems that I can see.

First that the photo sliders don’t work. Anyone have any idea why?

The second is that the home page is not properly responsive (inconsistently responsive) on the iphone and ipad (they work at different sizes on my desktop, when changing the browser window size). All the formatting, text sizing I set up for each of the break sizes simply don’t appear on the home page. The other pages work fine. I’m guessing it has something to do with the hero page. Anyone have thoughts on this?

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For the photo sliders, I had the same problem. You must deactivate “generate webp” in the project setting (publish part).

It’s cool though to have description of the photo of each file, for example:

I get white space down the right side of the page on an iPad, it’s not there on the other pages, just the home page.

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I get it too on my 2 iPads with latest OS version (17.1.2).

thanks Pat. Eldar has indicated the same. I might convert all the other image files to webp before importing into assets and leave jpegs for the photo slider (image comparison bric).

Thanks Jerry. That’s very helpful!

Just be aware, that users stuck on older MacOs’s versions might not be able to view the images.

@PeteSharp good to know. Is there any way to include both jpeg & webp in Blocs and serve as appropriate?

Use jpeg and have blocs add the webp. Blocs will create the markup for webp images and jpeg for fallback. blocs will also regenerate the webp images.

@PeteSharp Thanks. That might have something to with the hero page, the orientation of underlying image or the active text.

@KBConcepts thanks. I’ll rename these files.

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thanks for that. I just tried generating the site without webp checked and it nuked all the images. In Safari they can still be clicked on. In Chrome not.

images were not appearing because of cache issues at Siteground. Sweeping the cache at Siteground resolved the issue

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turns out the underlying image became its own class. Removed and replaced it and now it seems to work. thanks

Nothing to remove here, I’ve never used Blackberries, only iPhones.